Thursday, June 18, 2009


Feels like I'm celebrating my blog birthday.
I need time to change my whole damn blogskin.
Damn sick of this skin already. Make me don't feel like coming to my own blog.


But first, i shall have to go work first.
Then I'll come back and settle my blog skin once and for all.
Work ends at 5 then i think my sista want to meet me for mos burger.
I only love mossy fries. But i don't feel like going after bombing my bank account for my polaroid.

I heart polaroid. I hate bombing my bank account.

Oh right! Didn't watch Drag Me To Hell yesterday. :8(
No time. But its ok, cause Zhenxiang said that movie was like those few that scare him
He said coming soon was a joke, but i thought coming soon was a damn scary movie
Conclusion: DMTH will be a million times scarier than CS. So i'll die in the cinema if i watch it.

Ok, off to work. D8:

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