Saturday, December 10, 2011

Since the start of 2011 I've

Gotten a new piercing.Dyed my hair.
Ended a relationship.
Started a new relationship.
Been on a long a car journey.
Passed an exam.
Met someone who’s now an important part of my life.
Cried on someone’s shoulder.
Had a massive fight with a boy/girlfriend.
Received flowers. Had a Valentine.
Written a letter using pen and paper.
Gone to see a therapist.
Been prescribed medication by a doctor.
Read a really good book.
Gone to the zoo.
Spent too much money on unnecessary things. 
Travelled by train.
Cried over a member of the opposite sex.

Spent a day out in the sun getting a tan.
Slammed a door out of frustration.
Had an anxiety attack.
Babysat for a friend’s child.
Had a BBQ.
Gone to the fair.
Gone on a date.
Gone bowling.
Seen a film at the cinema in 3D.
Been the only sober one on a night out.
Helped someone home after they had been drinking.
Stayed up all night.
Talked on the phone for over two hours.Supported someone who’d received bad news.
Watched some kind of live sporting event.
Read an entire book in one day.
Bought a DVD the day it was released.
Eaten McDonald’s more than four times in a single week.
Cried as a result of exam stress.
Met some incredible new people.
Gone to several great parties.
Fallen backwards off a chair.
Broken my glasses.
Worn a watch for the first time in years.
Cried over someone in my past.
Spent hours aimlessly browsing the internet.
Thrown up.
Cried over a film.
Gone out of my way to avoid an ex-boy/girlfriend.
Fought with someone in public.
Been in a relationship for a year or longer.
My life is too normal this year.
It has begun!!True that.
Look AlikesWhat is he looking at?Epic win

Friday, December 2, 2011

My aunt was talking to my sister about my cousin again and I started to wonder what was the underlying cause of him being a problematic teenager or should I say, problematic adult-to-be.

I remembered, when we ( Me, my sis, him, his brother) were younger, the relatives were always gushing over him because well, he was the cleverest and probably the best looking children among all of us and not to mention, extremely obedient. We were very close because of our age, he's a 1991 baby, his brother and I 1992 and my sister 1993. We did almost everything together, playing or studying and he's always the leader, the big brother.

Things started changing when he started attending secondary school. Nobody really knows what caused the changed. I still remembered that faithful night when I lost all respect for him. As he got older, the situation grew more and more out of hand. I doubt he actually care about his family anymore.

Its so sad to witness somebody falling into a pit of no return and all you can do is to watch helplessly.

On a happier note, I am going to fill this post with some pictures.

Lunch with bff at Singapore Flyer
Loving the olden days feel

Bff and her freaking long hair. HATE. Jealous of all girls with super long hair!
Just to make it clear, that H&M bag is not mine. So somebody better don't nag me about going shopping. :D