Thursday, June 11, 2009


i shall highlight those that i think is damn true. :D

-Pisceans have certain intangible qualities that attract others and ensure that they usually have no shortage of interested partners. (you may be saying wtf infront of the com right now. HAHAHA, but thats what the horoscope says too. LMAO)

-Many have eyes that change colour slightly with their moods, and most change their appearances significantly many times over the course of their lives.

-Some can even look quite different at various times of the day or week.

-Most Pisceans love costumes and disguises.

-Pisceans can experience very dark psychic states as well as periods of intense joy. They can sink incredibly low and come bouncing back up with shocking speed. Their moods may fluctuate many times in a day.

-Some experience weird “trips” and bizarre dreams. Their dreams are often intuitive and in some cases prophetic. (thats why i love to dream alot, when im sleeping i mean, cause most of the time, the dream just come true. Feels dejavu-ish)

-Pisces people can see the validity of two truths simultaneously, and so have difficulty in taking sides. They usually avoid conflict whenever possible and are inclined to act as peacemakers when others fight.

-They are frequently taken advantage of, both monetarily and emotionally, because they are trusting, naïve and idealistic, unless the ascendant falls in a more cynical sign

.-Pisces is a sign of extremes. For example, some Pisceans are impractical and irresponsible, squandering their money on silly things, while others are very financially cautious.

-Pisceans sometimes appear fickle or unreliable because they change their minds so frequently and what they wanted very much one day may repel them the next.

-Some appear to be drastically different people from one day to the next, and they have a tendency to make huge, life-altering changes on a whim.

-More consistent individuals find the Pisces personality aggravating, baffling or intriguing.

-Pisceans are receptive to a wide variety of energies, both good and bad.

-They can catch the moods of others like viruses and pick up emotions by proximity, which is why they need more time alone than those of other signs.

-Piseans are very sensitive to environments and need to be cautious about where they choose to live and who they spend time with.

-They do best with friends and romantic partners who behave consistently and act as solid anchors in their lives.

-Pisceans can endure almost anything if it will help someone else, and they will help any sick, vulnerable or stray being that needs them.

-Pisceans tend to be happiest if they are involved in charity or volunteer work in their spare time.

-In their personal lives, they are inclined to take care of friends, relatives, animals and even strangers who come their way.

-Pisceans, being gullible, are often deceived or used by people who take advantage of their sympathetic natures.

-Pisces people usually have a phobia of hurting the feelings of others, and will avoid doing or saying anything hurtful, even if it is warranted.

-They suffer intense guilt over small things, and are inclined to psychologically torture themselves over minor incidents.

Oddly enough, a large number of Pisces people have a physical intolerance for drugs or alcohol, which saves them from the risk of addiction to these substances.

-However, addiction to cigarettes or food is also likely with this sign, and most Pisceans must watch their weight and fight against over-indulgence.

-Pisceans are often brilliant in some way (hahaha!), with many displaying scientific or artistic genius.

-Many Pisceans are also good dancers and/or singers, and most have beautiful or unusual voices.

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