Its either I'm going crasy or I'm going crasy
I keep hearing people calling my name when they weren't.

I want more vitagen, yakult and yoghurt drink!
But then I have to cut down on those because joyce said there are alot of live culture in them, and so I'll lao sai if I drink too much.
And being a person who hates lao sai-ing, I will try to cut down.
Today I drank 1 bottle of yoghurt drink, 1 vitagen and 3 cup of strawberry yoghurt.
Today I drank 1 bottle of yoghurt drink, 1 vitagen and 3 cup of strawberry yoghurt.
& thats when I already cut them down. Imagine how many more I drink each day in the past.
I can see a glimpse of kenneth koh in the background.
This shows how attentive we were during his lecture.
& I'm trying to say "I'm watching you" to kenneth koh.
Is this picture heart-warming or what?
It reminded me of what happened this evening.
I was on the bus with jamie. Somehow there was this old ah pek standing beside me.
Thinking that I'll be world biggest villian if I didn't give up my seat to him, I stood up and offer him seat.
Next he told me "I ask my wife come seat, her legs not good" and started calling out to his wife.
Omigod, I feel damn touched by his action. He looks alot weaker than his wife please.
Omyholycow, zhensiang just told me he's going to fly to Aussieland on the 25th
Am I jealous or very jealous?!
Extremely jealous please! :8(
Extremely jealous please! :8(
If I have an airticket, I wish I can use it and fly to aussieland to find hockypocky.
Sometimes I think life is playing a damn joke on me.
& when I screwed up, I hear life laughing at me.
I go sleep so life can be turn off for awhile.
Tags reply:
KGM: Really!? I'm amazed. I thought you'll be super kpo. HAHA
Joyce: Hahaha, I don't think I can even bother to look at him. He annoys me to the maximum
Kimmy: Weee, its ok what! :8X HAHAHA
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