Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ugly calling herself a bimbo

Its like I'm having movie marathon.
So many movies, so LITTLE time.

Watched that yesterday.
You can never believe my comments about movies, because i always say the movies damn nice. HAHA, even ponyo. =.=
It contains enough excitement and stunning cinematography to make it worth seeing.
Plus the twist at the end, unexpected.
I cried for the bad guy. wtf. Moisturise my contact lenses.
& that blonde police guy damn handsome! *gasp*
& some alien keeps laughing at me yesterday. you watch out!

I can't even be bothered to stain my blog writing about some backstabber who's proud of being one.

No more sashimi family story for the time being!
Talking about story, i feel like posting about the story of "The ugly proclaiming to be a bimbo"
True real life story somemore, wow.

I don't get it actually, i mean, bimbos are stupid right.
Why got people still like to call themself bimbo?
LMAO, serious brainless case.

Tags reply:
Peilian: HAHA, ONE DAY ONE DAY! its damn nice to eat, esp the breakfast in bed.
Stella: Shh. Later she go haunt you. HAHA. You confirm will dream of me! :D Rmb to help me buy my stuff before you come back, you can ignore the bitch one. Love love.

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