Sunday, May 31, 2009
& damn it, woke up to see one f. huge blister on my feet
how effective is my pray.
I feel like bursting it, but i dont dare cause its too big.
omg, why like that. shitty.
Plus I'm up so early because the blister was damn painful.
Ugh, shitty shitty shitty.
Ignore me, am in a state of self pity.
Slice Slice Slice Slice Slice
Didn't know was working, but was supposed to
Didn't study any shit, maybe a mere 1 hr of law. wow
Then i scalded my legs with hot water.
How lucky am i, very.
Good thing's that there were alot of food today
Wanted to wait for meifen to go back tgt, so i just sit there keep eating
Then me and dino were like having chawan competition. (he's mad) LMAO
I ate 2 and he ate 3. wtf
Then meifen was too slow, so i left with dinosaur first.
I think he feels very duilian, cause i was limping beside him on the way to the bus stop. My legs really damn painful can. D:
*pray* No blisters please *pray*
& had slice today
i feel less emo. im serious.
maybe because i talked to qiqin on the phone until 2 plus on friday/sat too.
Qiqin and slice make wonders. LMAO
okok, got to end here.
I'll be dead if my mum wakes up and see me infront of my com. HAHAHA
Tags reply:
qiqin: Your camp so boring. i feel sad for you. HAHAHA
winnie: shh. im not sadistic. im not. haha. sashimi family can go esad.
zhiqi: i dno leh, later i feel emo again. HAHAHA. & i always think my sixth sense damn "zun". gah, i dno. At most i ask josh to take me. JOKING! HAHA.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Its too hard to stop blogging. :X
I think i can go insane very soon.
Its so difficult to supress that very emotional feeling under that smiley face everyday.
Walking and strouting around looking very happy is just like wearing a mask.
& im so going to ignore josh stupid advice.
Because i'm a girl. jeez.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I just mentioned i don't know when i'll be posting again and here i am.
& i realised i won't be seeing my neoqiqin for the whole of this week
omg, is this sad or very sad.
very sad.
& i want to drink red tea with lots of pearls all of a sudden
i hope one appear right infront of me now, cause i'm so tired i think i can just lie on the road and sleep until tomorrow,
ah, i have alot of time to sleep on saturday, can die and rot at home whole day. wow
oh crap, i think im damn happy these few days.
so happy i think i can just die in peace.
If only this goes on again and again and again, everyday and everyday and everyday, then i can be the happiest person on earth and be gay everyday.
then maybe i can stop guessing too. wow
joyce: hhahaha, i am.
Valen: cause you weird what. i dont care, i think shes damn nice equals she damn nice. hahahaha :X
luqman: oh i see. so how was kazakhstan? and hows JC?! i bet you miss me alot.
Winnie: hahaha, i must look for a new one first.
CYijing: wow, good good. kill. hahaha, sounds sadistic.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I have no time to post.
Anw, im angry at sashimi family.
They're so contradicting. All can go ESAD.
I have decided to go tell them i want to quit tomorrow, then i throw my weapon at ootoro's face.
I'm being very serious.
Crap, tomorrow i also not going to see sashimi family, how to throw. maybe i throw at the phone, then i tell her i just threw my weapon at her. LMAO
I need to study, exam next week, can't afford to fail module. D:
Still got alot of tutorials haven't complete also.
omgawd. Its like, I'm pia-ing construction tutorial 2 now. =.=
Meet peilian.

Hahaha, we're trying to do cockeye. I can't do it without my finger. LOL!

& this is damn classic
I just realise wenjun was kind of looking at me trying to hold his head.
LMAO, his eyes looking this way. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ok, so i don't know when the hell i'll be posting again
No time no time. D:
WHY EXAM SO FAST. i still want to slack awhile more.
Somemore monster vs alien screening starts tomorrow. KNN
and i want to watch <<UP>> also which is coming up on 4thjune ( EXAM PERIOD).
& ghosts of girlfriends past
and ice age 3
and Hanah Montana the movie. =.=
Wth, why now like got so many movies.
I shall not fall into temptation. (very difficult)
I shall chiong straight to starbucks or coffeebean or anywhere to study after work on sunday.
*chant*study study, no more cute boy, no more shopping, no more bullshit.*chant*
Lmao, as if that ever works. D:
I should go find people study with me, but i doubt anybody wants to come down to orchard after 4 just to study.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Josh drew a picture and wrote a letter, cause hes leaving.

Lmao, my hair longer here. HAIR GROW HAIR.

I bet all of you cant read his very ugly handwriting.
"To: Yuqian
Thanks for being such an awesome friend all these years.
An advice for you. Its time to throw your pride aside and go for it.
Stop your bad habit of waiting for people to talk to you first, be it msn, sms or even real life
He won't know that you're waiting, that lucky brat.
Now I'm going back, so take care my pretty, blur friend. (2 adjectives!)
P/s: Always loving you
Don't miss me!
Omg, i read until i cry.
But that idiot knows i cant change my bad habit. knn
I don't like to start conversation, even if i badly want to talk to that person, i SELDOM go start conversation.
Even if its my crush. wow.
He'll always be my best-est FRIEND.
but why so cheapo, never use pretty paper. LMAO
Its like I'm having movie marathon.
So many movies, so LITTLE time.
Watched that yesterday.
You can never believe my comments about movies, because i always say the movies damn nice. HAHA, even ponyo. =.=
It contains enough excitement and stunning cinematography to make it worth seeing.
Plus the twist at the end, unexpected.
I cried for the bad guy. wtf. Moisturise my contact lenses.
& that blonde police guy damn handsome! *gasp*
& some alien keeps laughing at me yesterday. you watch out!
I can't even be bothered to stain my blog writing about some backstabber who's proud of being one.
No more sashimi family story for the time being!
Talking about story, i feel like posting about the story of "The ugly proclaiming to be a bimbo"
True real life story somemore, wow.
I don't get it actually, i mean, bimbos are stupid right.
Why got people still like to call themself bimbo?
LMAO, serious brainless case.
Tags reply:
Peilian: HAHA, ONE DAY ONE DAY! its damn nice to eat, esp the breakfast in bed.
Stella: Shh. Later she go haunt you. HAHA. You confirm will dream of me! :D Rmb to help me buy my stuff before you come back, you can ignore the bitch one. Love love.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
What if i tell you, your mission failed?
So, reached orchard like f. damn early today
Worked and after that the whole bunch of us, yijing, joyce, valen and dino ate at sushitei. =.=
Long story, the eating at sushitei thing.
Went to watch night at the museum with valen after all of them left
OMG, the movie was damn funny, i laughed like a hyena the entire time.
& saw katherine and kristel at taka macs.
Feels damn weird.
Then we wanted to go slice, but the shop was closed.
It was only 10 oclock can! or 9.45. D:
Ah well, i shall jio peilian they all to eat slice with me. HAHAHA
Friday, May 22, 2009
I met a pervert today.
I'm serious.
Had lesson at 1 today.but when i was about to leave home, i saw peilian sms asking where am i
Omg, then it was like, i'm still at home when they're all at the school already. D:
After school, had to meet qiqin at the mrt station
So i was standing at the bridge place outside school waiting when i heard somebody said "hello"
Then i looked to the side and saw a stranger.
& he continued saying "I'm (i forgot) from DECC (or something)"
in some pervertic tone.
Omg, i can just pee in my pants man.
So, i became damn frantic and looked around when i saw peilian and liwen
It was like a dream come true and i practically ran over to them.
Then qiqin came and i left with her, still trembling. =.=
Went sushitei to eat with qiqin and evelyn.

Ghost whisperer is screening now.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
But theres still law tutorial later on. wow.
& Josh has an angmoh gf.
Somemore damn chio!
I feel like kicking him back to zea-ny land then ask him to bring his angmoh gf over.
it feels like seeing my sister-in-law. WOW
Sushiteiing with qiqin and evelyn most prolly tomorrow
Then next week most prolly not working, have to mug.
can't go work see people, talk crap. D:
Law tutorial starts already
omg, i got my first C for tutorial 4
omg, we're men. :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
omg, i hate this.
somemore working also. TIRING.
Today, me and my girlfriend were buying Subway. When it came to ring up the order the lady asked us together or separate? My girlfriend looked and said separate. Half-jokingly, I asked if it was some sort of hint? She looked at me and said yes. I got broken up over a 12 inch Ham Sub
I think hes damn sad. I feel sad for him. D:
omg, i feel damn pekcek
some other shithead is ignoring me.
i hate this kind of thing when you have to guess.
ah well..
Went to the airport with Xueer at 4am and waited for the twit for 1 hour.
After i saw him, i became damn emo, like want to cry like that.
Then that idiot attacked me with his bloody big bear hug, then i cry.
HAHAHA, he was damn shocked he kept asking Xueer what he should do.
Knn, hes influenced by the western culture.
Give out his hugs like free like that. =.=
Somemore his parents never come back with him
Wtf, like some damn independent shithead.
So we sat around everywhere and talked crap, mostly about his cow's island.
Omg, I'm so happy hes here, though its only one week.
After that ponned school half day caused i was too tired
Went back home to sleep and went for lesson at 1.
Idiot and Xueer coming to have dinner soon. LMAO
In case you guys don't know
Josh and Xueer are like my childhood friends
My mummy knew their parents and we used to sleep over at each other's together when we were young.
Heehee, i think my childhood damn interesting.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Why they on the aircon as if it's free.
Something is wrong with my MSN again!
I hate this, its like sometimes i talk to people they dont receive it
Then it looks like i ignored everybody.
KNN, whats wrong!?
& Josh the twit is coming back from New zealand tomorrow!
Omg, i miss him so much, like this much *open hands damn wide*
Haven seen his handsome face for at least 3 months already. (excluding webbie cam)
OMG, and i'll be seeing it like like like within this few days again! :D
I miss how he'll tap my head and say "aiyoh, empty ah"
I miss how he'll poke my face whenever i'm not noticing
I miss how he'll ruffle my hair and wish his hair was long
I miss how he'll kidnap my phone and do stupid things with it
I miss how he'll snatch for fries with me cause he says he likes to see me unhappy.
I miss how he replys on msn like damn fast though i reply damn slowly and never suddenly go missing in action, not replying me cause he knows i'll be pekcek when people stop replying all of a sudden.
YAY, dear friend is coming back!
But why come back for a week only. booo.
stupid shithead josh.
Tags reply:
CYjing: I'm not! omg, im repeating this im not thing so many times. hahahaa
Angie: HAHA, true lah, you all de homework like mountain high.
Winnie: kk! yea, exams damn kns. somemore i dont really listen in class
Valen: WILL LAH! how to eat in peace with the sashimi family watching over you. haha.
Monday, May 18, 2009
One word, hectic.
& i'm quite pissed
Its like this sunday, i talked to qiqin for less than i think 5 sentences within 4 hours of work!?
But i still can kena get say by people
I don't dare to talk to qiqin anymore during work.
Its like why talk to other people nothing happen, talk to qiqin kena diao by others.
QQ was pissed at me when i left at 4 cause i never go bye her.
But then later i bye her already i kena complain then damn "yuan wang".
sowie qq.
( we're not lessie ) =.=
I mean maybe alot of you may have the mentality that just because me and qq are quite close, we'll talk alot.
Thats pure discrimination can.
We still work and we dont just stand there talk crap, slack slack lor.
Now we dont even dare to smile at each other during work
Then we have to meet after school to do some catching up.
Its like school start so early, then we have to save energy to talk at 5 after school today
we so cool. LMAO
okok. i go do my IT project editing now
Exams coming soon, oh my lao tian ye. =.=
Came in 1 and a half hour late and still want to continue his lecture within the mere half an hour left. =.=
next few weeks going to be damn busy :\
Lots of events thing and have to do the C.I.P
We called alot of orphanges and they dont want us.
WHY!? D:
Anyway, met Zhiqi, Liwen and Peilian on saturday morning for stage project
& met Gaoming plus Jazreel yesterday for IT project.
HAHAHA, im like a business woman, so busy. =.=
So maybe i have to start working lesser and lesser for school. :D
I think my hair is spoiling
I'm going to pay attention to lecture now.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Tags reply:
Derrick: HAHA, thanks. i feel alot better already. :D Hows jc? Still fun?
Valen: I'm not a les! D: hahaha, go sushitei eat always damn stress. dno why.
Liying: Hello! I linked you! :]
Mada: Can try one day, but then later ootoro mekajiki they all jealous. :X
& i want to go eat maggiemee now.
I hope the cupboard is stocked up with dozens of kimchi maggie, then i'll gobble them all up.
I sound like a giant. HAHAHAHA
& Maguro can go and die.
curse you maguro for being disgusting to me
Talking about maguro makes me angry.
I finally ate it today after 4 months?
wow, 4 months, so long.
Friday, May 15, 2009
This week is so f. screwed up.

Everybody suddenly feels so dour and indifferent
Great. *roll eyes*
Not everybody everybody.
& everybody is so busy with school and cca
What is wrong with the world, is there something wrong with those gravity attraction that's affecting everybody's hormone and making them moody-ish or making me feel like they are moody-ish.
Omg, i think i'm now a serious chatterbox case and the world is ignoring me.
God, make me talk less. geez.
& stella tai the idiot is flying to UK to study on 3rd June
KNN, One less people to go wander around orchard aimlessly with
One less people to talk to me on the phone
One less people to complain to when i'm pissed
One more people for me to miss.
Somemore on the other side of the globe.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I've got like no time to update recently.
ST damn busy & my schedule super packed.
plus i feel damn bad to my mummy.
Its like i worked on mummy's day. SOWIE MUM.
I shall set a date to celebrate mummy's day and daddy's day together. :D
Because its like people tend to celebrate daddy's day less often compared to mummy's day.
Its like you'll have the mindset that you just celebrated mothers' day then so fast celebrating fathers' day will abit sian.
I think things won't be going to loosen anytime soon.
Lots of projects and tutorials to pia.
& i'm not getting my 8 hrs of sleep daily. D:
So, is this sad or sad. ._.
Bleh, I shant sadden my blog like that.
Somebody(J) asked QQ if me and her were lesbians.
& i forgot who told me that he/she thinks me and QQ are like lessie partners.
Plus they say if one day me and her walk in to ST holding hands, they'll believe we're lessie even if we deny.
Is this cool or cool.
Its like, Me and Qiqin have the we-are-ultra-super-lovey-dovey-lessie-partners FACE.
Tags Reply:
Wanjing: HAHA, Linked!
Mandy: Yea, you must! I damn long never see you already.
Jolene: Haha, Webcam damn fun! :D
Qiqin: Awesome. Thats why you're my girlfriend. HAHAHA
Stella: I have! that time you came my house never see meh! But then its not really mine, its like my sister is taking care of them since forever.
Stella: & J is the one i tell you i think he angry at me that one! omg, you so dumb.
Stella: I'm going frisbee training this thursday i think. Omg, damn cool right. Yulin really champion flyer meh!? LMAO. dont tell him i just laughed at him.
Qiqin: Hahaha, literally.
Wendy: Hello! :D
Saturday, May 9, 2009

I thought about it for damn long yesterday
& i realised what Stella said was so, true.
It was like the first time she said things that actually make sense.
A best friend is always there,whether you need advice,or a pep talk,or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend listens with her heart and is always honest with you,even though the truth may not be what you want to hear.
A best friend knows all your secrets,understands your fears, shares your dreams.
A best friend never stops believing in you even if you give upon are that kind of friend to me. And no matter what happens,you always will be.
( This isnt what stella said, she's not so chim. But it was something like that :X )
& im so glad i have these best friends in my life.
1,2,3,4 of them.
Q, M, S, J
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Had drawing lesson this morning
Then suddenly i started seeing flashes and my head began to throbe.
Went to FC1 to buy extra strong panadol
After class, chiong to toilet to puke
Then went FC1 to buy another extra strong panadol
& puke 2 more times. knn
stupid migraine made me miss the cca showcase today.
Left school and Zhiqi went to flag cabby for me
Got on the cab and asked the uncle
"Uncle, you have plastic bag?"
"Huh, ya have"
"Not feeling well, i scared i vomit on your car"
"Wah, nah, here *passes plastic bag*. You good eh, some passenger sometimes like that don't want to say. Want to vomit already then start to find plastic bag. too late lah, puke in my cab!"
HAHA, cabby fare was like $9.80. D:
& then i collapse in my bed and sleep until 4 plus.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
& i think i'm really attentive today. seriously.
Anw, theres the cca showcase thing tomorrow.
OHMYGOD, what should i join.
I'm thinking of the welfare thing or the changi youth ambassador or frisbee!
Hahaha, but they say frisbee like dog.
wtf. discrimination.
& rashes are breaking out all of a sudden on MY FACE
damn itchy, like after a hundred mosquitoes have just sucked my blood kind of itchy! >:8(
curse all rashes in the world
& was out with stella and yulin on labour day
Its like i damn long never see her already.
but shes coming to tour SP on thursday.
plus MAYBE i want to dye my hair that day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Tags reply:
Stella: Haha, hello! Don't go to UK! I'm repeating this for the don't know how many times.
Winnie: Have! but then, tuesday im working night shift, so only friday night will see you. :D
I was so pissed off at first yesterday.
How can somebody just change her mood and attitude like shes controlling a switch!
KNN. So irritating. >:8\
& i'm so motivated to work already
i shall start putting more and more schedule for next week onwards.