Met up with qiqin on monday for Kbox session and I think we sang alot!
Imagine you have the whole mic to yourself throughout the few hours, horrible. HAHA.
& I'm not going to tell you guys that qiqin can sing alot of oldies, not going to tell you!
Anyway, I thought I was going to die in the room because it was freezing and I realised I forgot to bring my cardigan out. Its really FREEZING you know, worst than the after lunch period in SST. =.=
Can you people see the shadow on qiqin's face on the left (picture above)?! She got dimple you know!! It just grew as she ages. Note the jealousy here. UNFAIR, I ALSO WANT CAN!
Qiqin got lost in the K maze after going to the toilet and the funny thing was, the staff brought her back to the room. When the staff knock on the door, he wasn't looking inside the room you know, hes like looking on his right (@ qiqin) and opened the door. The next moment, you see qiqin looking very paiseh entering the room. HAHAHAHAHA. Instant laugh.
By the way, the toilet's quite scary though it looked posh. I don't know if they're saving on their electricity bill or what. The lights were damn dim and you can hear the water dripping from the tap like, "drip... drip..". The whole setting was like a horror movie.
Trained to gombak for theory lesson @ BBDC. Our teacher is called Azman. HAHAHA, I can remember, cause I think he was trying to make lame jokes sometimes and most of the times, nobody laugh. He showed us alot of videos, mostly on road accidents. & in conclusion, motorbikes are very vulnearable on the road. Its so small sometimes cars can't see them cause they are blocked by huge ass trucks and cars just langa into them and most of the times, its fatal. :(
Bused back home with qiqin after that. VERY RARE WE GOT SAME BUS THAT GO TO BOTH OUR PLACES YOU KNOW! Panjang and Woodlands are like very unrelated like that. I heart 187! -.-
P.S.: Qq found the song I was looking for in "jiu xiang lai zhe ni". Its my blog song now! LMAO!
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