This has been a really slow week.
I've done literally nothing but sleeping, waking, eating, talking.
What is wrong with me?
Anyway, everything been great
Except for some random ranting from mum and some fits from the hamsters
It's amazing how my hamsters haven't kick their buckets.
& school's starting soon with orientation in less than 48 hrs
Which totally turn me off
Can't imagine myself going there all alone, wandering around like little lost soul
awesome much.
Somebody tell me what i can do please
Life has been boring over the net
-watch shugo chara. check.
-play some loser games in fb. check.
-watch gossip girl all over again. check.
-visit everybody else blogs. check.
-online shopping. CHECK.
just that i finished shugo chara and i'm sick with the fb games and gossip girl is loading like gary the snail and people has been neglecting their blogs and onliner seller aren't updating their collection.
doublely awesome.
Tags reply:
Andros: relinked!
Wanjing: Yea! See you around! omg, orientation is going to be scary. D:
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