“— Eleanor Roosevelt

aww, there goes $1,500. eww.

HAHAHA, topless beach babe. D8:
Anyway, I saw a big fat rat yesterday.
Really really damn fucking huge. Its like the size of 2 bigmac combine side to side. Or the size of 3 and a half bigmac if you want to count its tail in.
Then it squeezed itself into the drain. Have no idea why it wasn't stuck.
Damn fat. Must have had lots of good food around the neighbourhood.
People who hasn't watched 2012, please go watch it already! (Y)!
Super touching. :8'(
Then yesterday my sister ask me if the world really end at 2012, how would i want to die.
We concluded our whole family might just huddle together at home and wait for death.
Prolly crash to death by very heavy ceilings, impact of 4 levels of units above or just fall to death.
Tragic death man. I rather breathe in carbon monoxide and die first.
Alright, got to attend to my coursework.
Till then, XOXO! :8D
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