Today's pretty much awesome.
Set a goal not to pon school this week. *very determine* Successful! :8D
After tomorrow = never pon school one week!

Was drawing AVS door entrance till 2 plus AM last night. -.-
Miss my sister cause nobody was around to talk to me, couldn't take it in the end and called her around 12 midnight. :8D
Thought I couldn't wake up at 6 this morning, but was super surprised I did and was super energetic.
I freaked out when I couldn't find my alarm clock and it was so damn fking noisy, I thought it could wake the dead up from their coffins.

Classmates ♥!
*abusing in action*

Today's idea module is shopping at Orchard. LMAO
Supposed to access the shop's service and stuff like that.
LIKE FUN! Going to act as customer and stuff then will be interviewed by own group members.
Wee, another quiet night alone today.
:8( I miss my sister so much I slept on her bed. LMAOOOOOOOO.
& sometimes people say ignorance is bliss.
I thought you
were different, but i just need one reality check.
You are the same as
anyone out there. all/the/same.
Till then, xoxo.
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