P: will you miss me?
Q: Can dominate whole room, what do you think?
P: Shut up.
Some twits.

We just like to camwhore. Brother's face always super epic.
So anyway, Sunday night was a great one.
Lots of screaming like raped victims which lasted non stop for at least 2 minutes. (Y)
Why? Because one big dog was running around and all of us started running like mad, screaming like ghosts. Does ghost scream by the way? LMAO.
Hysterical. After the screamings were fits of laughter, another 3 minutes.
& i think i officially saved juowi from his burden of keeping his secret underground.
I thought I ruined his life, but well, things turn out unexpectedly.. the right way. :8D
So we're kind of equal now. Actually no, I was just lucky. tsk.
Is it true sometimes, the more you wished for something to happen, the greater your dissapointment is? You know like how people believed that your dream goes POOF once you spill what you had dreamt about maybe the previous night. Well, at least thats what I feel. Like, the more you go on about something, maybe keep ranting or talking about it, it just jeopardize or mess up whatever was in store for you in the future. Maybe that's why most of the time, I go around being indifferent. The more i miss somebody, the more I wouldn't be mentioning about them kind of thing. Asked Ben and Peilian about it, but he's much against this theory while she kind of agree to a small extent.
& am quite frustrated why life always come along with choices. You either take this, and sacrifice the other one. There's never room for two. In this case, I'm not talking about whether should I buy Whisper or Laurier kind of theory. You know like, you either make a choice and hurt one person, or make another choice, hurting another person. Much like when your parents are going through divorce and wanted you to choose between one of them. (Parents not getting divorced, its just an example.)
Wee, this post is kind of wordy eh.
One of the longest post I reckoned.
Oh well, take it that I'm just replenishing what I haven't been posting in the past few days.
Projects are killers. Totally killed me, peilian and liwen during EMC today.
At the start of the lessons, we were like high people. By the end, everybody face was a standard D8: expression.
Till then,
XOXO. :8)
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