Thursday, November 5, 2009

They already a joke mah

Alright, Really hate the weather nowadays.
Its like the perfect weather to sleep i know, but i seriously hate it when it rains in the day. pfft.

So anyway, met Ben after school for dinner.
Talked about some eccentric people and stuff.
Daddy came to fetch me after fetching my mummy.
As I was walking towards the car, I see my daddy and mummy turning their heads to look in our direction.
I straight away laugh until cannot and turn to tell ben "Maybe they cannot see you properly then think you my bf."
Went into the car and he still ask my mother, "hello aunty, you thought I'm her bf ah?"
from the window.
LMAOROFL, turn out my parents thought he wanted to "longpang" our car only.
Luckily they all know each other, or not its like another joke.

Ok. Shall end here.

All girls are filled with this hope in their hearts that things are going to get better, that things are going to change. And maybe we’re ridiculous because of it, but it’s there all the same.
“— Unknown

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