Sunday, August 21, 2011

Universal Studio!

Dino's Birthday Celebration!

The only bad thing about that day was- having F&B exam.
Met BB at his house to pass him his birthday Oreo-with-LOTS-of-love-cheesecake so he can keep it in the fridge.

This was his birthday present:
Questions to solve before he knows what's his real present was
He was complaining that he was taking his exam earlier than RP's one. 

 & he was checking his calender because one of the question was
"When was our first kiss?"
He should thank god his answer was correct, or else I would have given him a flying fist; in his face.

So anyway,
He couldn't really solve it.
He got the word "Studio" and he was like, there's alot of studio you know. Design studio, Arts studio, Music Studio, blah blah blah. Really want to give him the dash-dot-dash face.

 On the cabby!


They are super pretty!

 Saw the Galatica Roller Coaster behind us?
That's our second ride of the day -- Only the Red "Human" one though

Only after this trip did I realized Dino's level of hate for roller coasters.
It is equivalent to me hating exams + ice creams + cakes + nagging + waking up in the morning + being in the sun all sweaty and tired  + having no money ALL COMBINED
No exaggeration. 

If you all haven't already know, me and him have completely different likes and dislikes.
I sometimes wonder if that's a bad thing.
After I came out from the ride I was all O.O :D V^^V, high and energetic. It was like an adrenaline rush.
But for him, it was like D: ._.  :@, nausea and jelly. 

But I'm so happy he still took the roller coaster with me though. Sobs. *Tears of happiness*


Listen up, Revenge of the Mummy Roller coaster was one of the best ride in USS. AWESOME LIKE WOAH! So many effects but I didn't really manage to see what's happening around me cause the roller coaster was so fast and I couldn't even lift up my frigging head!! 

 My boyfriend so KAWAII. LOLOL.


 BB with his species. 

 HAHAHA. Jurassic Park was like his home.

Shrek 4D
 With my house at the back

Queuing for the Merry-Go-Round.

 He was grumpy because he thinks he's too old to be on a Merry-Go-Round. 


 He really very stubborn, grumpy in all pictures.

 Spotted the ship in Madagascar movie

 Favorite picture of the day:

I shall end the post with my castle

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