Ok, so life is really unpredictable.
One moment, you are walking and the next, you might find yourself lying by the roadside.

Anyway, I was having flu and crap on friday and I thought I was really unlucky because my Genting and KL trip is just 3 days away and I freaking cannot afford to be sick.
So, being a good and sensible girl, I took my medicine and went to bed early hoping it will die down the next day.
I felt a little worst the next day. Note that I said a little worst, so its actually not very sick.
But, I decided to pay the doctor a visit to get some medicine in case my flu got worst while on holiday. ( I think I really know how to take care of myself uh)
I felt perfectly fine after seeing the doctor and went to the money changer to change some money for the trip and also hopped off to the bookstore to buy stamps with my sister and stopping by the hawker to take away breakfast for my mother.
So, while on the way home, we have to cross these two traffic light.
At the first one, I was telling my sister I'm starting to feel really unwell because everything seems really bright.
The green man was up and we were crossing the road and thats when I lost conscious. I remembered rolling on my side in the middle of the road and I asked my sister "Am I dreaming?" which I came to realise, WTF I'M NOT. I quickly picked myself up and finished that little remaining stretch of road. And no, I didn't feel embarrassed or anything because I didn't even notice there were other passer-by around me.
My sister was asking me whether I'm alright before we cross the second traffic light. I think she's afraid the same thing might happen again. Since I can walk to this traffic light, I deemed it was ok to continue crossing the other one.
Ok, so this one was a little more terrifying than the previous one.
I couldn't remember myself even crossing that long stretch of road and when I woke up, I was lying on the other side of the road and my sister was crying like a three year old baby.
A police car stopped by the roadside and two policemen came over and started questioning me whether I had hit my head when I fainted. Anyway, I said no because I cannot feel any freaking pain but my sister was screaming at the policemen saying I did. Anyway, they sent us home and while on the police car, I realized I had a super ultra big swelling on the back of my head.
So thinking back now, the police were really absurd. The moment I black out, I cannot remember what happen next right, cause my brain shut down, thats why I fainted right! I mean if I knew I was falling, based on common sense, I will cushion the fall with my hands! So how would I know how I fell and whether I had hurt any parts of my body! Oh, and nobody tried to help when I fainted. NO FUCKING BODY. Singaporeans..... Sigh. There were so many passer-by, so many.
Anyway, the police asked my mum if I needed to go to the hospital for check up and my mum who was suffering from shocked said no. But, I was still sent to the hospital in the end and was hospitalised to observe my condition because that bump on my head could be something serious.
Anyway, it was nothing serious. Had some cuts on my elbow and knee and my shoulders are aching and the bump still hurts, but its nothing serious. The doctor said I had too much white blood cell and they eat red blood cell so blah blah blah. Got to go for blood test 2 weeks later. Hope its nothing related to blood cancer and stuff. Tsk.

Hospital food was actually nice, even though it look like a pile of disgusting shit in the photo. HAHA