All i can say to you---- thank you.
Sorry for the late post, had to study for maths and GP test ytd.
Thank you 09A07 for making this birthday(12th March 2009), one of the most memorable one. :)
Its like i've never ever blew out a candle in school before.
& also for the balloon and the card k!
I LOVE BALLOONS. Its like i was playing with it subconsciously most of the time to the extent that ishu asked me if that was the first time i received a balloon. lmao!
Thank you luqman, ain, angie, sherlyn and tita for the present and the surprise at the locker.
i didn't expect that was coming, thanks to luqman's great acting skill. you joined the right cca luqy! HAHA.
pardon me for the "drunk" moment after that cause i was too happy & touched. seriously.(too difficult to resist it)
& also, THANK YOU
qiqin(my greatest love of all), ain, tita, stella,mandy,josh,xueer & eric for those midnight & non-midnight messages k. love love. :)
& to the people who messaged my old no. but i lost that sim card so yea, you know what i mean.
& eugene who said happy belated birthday and mag who forgets my birthday thinking it was today
& amanda feng(i miss sitting next to you too), amanda huang, regina, mr ng, geng lin, jeraldine, judith quah, eric, cheryl, clive, mabel, yong feng, damien, weijie for those birthday messages on facebook k!
omg, i want to cry. :D
That was a long thank you speech uh. HAHA!
So anyway, here comes the emo part.
i really don't get how someone who was really close to you could just walk past you most of the time like you're a total stranger.
how someone could act like you're invinsible and they can't see you most of the time.
how close friend could turn into eyesores.
how they like to talk to you in one syllabus word.
how they tend to forget the important days.
how they treat you like they've never know you before.
i really wanted to cry when i saw those sms today. fuck.
& all i can say to you are:
WE ONCE WERE ONE! I want my best friend back!
But I realized at once it was that bond we lacked.
You think it doesn't hurt me, looking to my left and right to see there is no you.
But we both are moving on now.
So lets do it gracefully & hope our friendship still lives on in your memory.

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